
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Calling All Open Court Teaching Geniuses!!!

My school uses Open Court 2002 as our reading program. I've been teaching from this series for the past three years, but I must admit I haven't really made it my own or perfected my style to teach it to the BEST of my ability. That's why I'm sending out this ALL CALL to seek advice from my fellow teachers. I know that you guys are great at all things teacher related. So if you teach Open Court and have made centers, came up with a better system or just know a trick you are willing to share PLEASE stop by here and share your knowledge.


Tanya said...

My district uses 2005 Open Court. When we were under the Reading First grant $, our centers/stations had to be based on the Open Court material. We had to use the "Reteach" book for just about everything. After the grant ended there was more freedom.

During my whole group lesson I focus on the green section, the phonics and blending lesson, and I spend a lot of my time on that section, and all those decodable books!

I teach from the red section, the comprehension section, but I don't follow all of the scripting.

The blue section, the language arts section is heavily supported in the spelling and comprehension workbooks.

Today my workshops/literacy stations are much more kid and teacher friendly. I have a computer station, listening station, word work, which includes lots of games I have made; a spelling station, a read the room station, a making words station, and a teacher station for my guided reading groups.

WOW! This is a long comment.

First Grade is Fantabulous!

Mrs. Niesse's News said...

I can't wait to hear the responses because I also the 2002 Open Court, but I teach second grade. I find it really overwhelming... But, I must tell you that the first grade teacher really likes it. Also, if you haven't checked out the open court resource must. It really has a lot of useful teacher submitted material. I would definetly start there.

Amy Coates@ SweetExpectations8 or said...

We use the 2002 Open Court... It is overwhelming and way to much (at least for me!).

My partner teacher and I break it up into the levels of the students. We do not follow any particular order. I do use a lot of the comprehension activities and grammar/phonics activities.

We do what are called "Book Clubs." In our book clubs we use the stories from the readers in different groups. So at any given time, we are using three or four different stories for the groups. Then we use the activities that go along with those stories.

I hope that makes sense!